The assumption is that hair is hair, and for this reason, many men use the same shampoo for their beard and head hair, which is a bad idea. The scientific name for facial hair is androgenic hair; it develops during puberty and needs testosterone to grow. You may have noticed that your beard hair grows faster than the hair on your head; that’s because hair goes through a specific growth process that takes years for the hair on your head and months for beard hair. Additionally, beard hair is curlier and coarser because the hair follicles on the face are flatter and larger than those on the scalp. With that being said, you need to use a different shampoo for your beard. If you’re not sure how to use beard shampoo, here are some tips.
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use Beard Shampoo
There are three simple steps involved in using beard shampoo. If you want visual instructions, Youtube has plenty of videos.
Step 1: Using three pumps of our nuevo noir beard SHAMPOO, rub your hands together to form a lather and then massage it into your beard and skin until you’re confident that it’s clean.
Step 2: Rinse the shampoo out by putting your face into the water and parting the beard with your fingers to ensure all the shampoo has been rinsed out thoroughly. Leftover shampoo will cause your hair to become dry and brittle.
Step 3: Squeeze as much water from your beard as possible, then gently pat dry with a towel. To speed up the process, use two to three towels.
What to Look For in a Beard Shampoo
Avoid shampoos containing parabens or sulphates such as aqua, vegetable glycerine, and xanthan gum. These ingredients are used as preservatives in hair products to prevent the growth of microorganisms. While they do serve a purpose for the shampoo, they are terrible for the body. According to research, parabens and sulphates are linked to cancer and endocrine disruption. They also cause the hair to become dry and brittle. Therefore, it is advised that you use a shampoo that contains the following natural ingredients:
Aloe Vera: Aloe vera works wonders for the hair, it is rich in vitamins A, B12, and C, and it also contains amino and fatty acids which help keep the hair follicles healthy. Aloe Vera protects the hair against UV damage and promotes hair growth because it contains the chemical compound aloenin.
HoneyQuat: Honeyquat comes from honey; this natural, active ingredient acts as a conditioning agent and adds moisture and hydration to the hair. It quickly penetrates the hair shaft to restore lustre and shine.
Lime: Due to its citric acid content, you will find lime in the majority of anti-dandruff shampoos. It rids the scalp of excess oil, which enhances the overall look and texture of beard hair. Lime juice is also high in vitamin C, which helps to grow and strengthen hair.
Final Thoughts
After washing and drying your beard, comb it, add some beard oil, and style it. As a general rule of thumb, wash your beard two to three times per week; however, if you need to wash it any more than this, do so with water alone to prevent stripping away your natural hair oil.We get to know how to use nuevo noir beard shampoo